Charlie’s Story aka Charlie Wharlie and Charlie Brown. Charlie came into care with NSW Bull Terrier Rescue in May 2024 and was transported from NSW to his foster carer Sherri in Victoria.
On arrival it was clear to see Charlie had a massive skin allergy and suspected cancer. Charlie was seen by a vet the following day, and was provided pain relief, allergy medication and as we and the vet suspected the 50cm open oozy spot was also cancerous and needed to be removed and tested. Sherri rang around to get some quotes and found a vet clinic who also helps with other rescue’s. Charlie underwent surgery to remove the lump and his top K9’s. Tests results came back positive for Squamous Cell Carcinoma which is the result of 10 years being allowed to sun bake with little to no sun screen. Due to Charlie’s allergies he is on a fish diet, he needs to stay out it of the sun and stays off grass as much a possible and receives Cytopoint monthly. Charlie also takes McDowells SCC supplements, Milk Thistle, Pea Plus, Gut Health and Mushroom blend from Canine Ceuticals. Not long after Charlie recovered from his surgery, he got a Hematoma on one of his ears, unfortunately that got large and burst through the cartilage and he had to undergo another surgery which was touch and go, with the prospect of losing his ear due to skin dying.
Thankfully Charlie didn’t need to lose his ear and recovered well. Sadly Charlie’s cancer returned, and he underwent another surgery to remove the lump with the plan of trialing Palladia to help keep his cancer at bay.
Unfortunately, Charlie’s incision broke down due to his skin allergies and has been back and forth to the vet, the antibiotics weren’t working, and a test was needed to find out what antibiotics will help Charlie’s wound heal. Tests results came back and Charlie was placed on Batryl and a twice a day open wound clean. Charlie’s infection cleared, he has started healing and with the recommendation from his vet, Charlie’s wound will be left open to heal inside out. Charlie started Palladia and has been doing well on it with his supplements for a couple of months now, he will continue to stay on Palladia lifelong. Charlie celebrated his 11th birthday in October 24 and his first Christmas with his foster family, with all that he has endured in this short time, Charlie is one of the happiest boys who just adores people and has the biggest zest for life. Charlie is now living his best life, enjoying new experiences and sleeping in his foster mumma’s bed.